Friday, January 8, 2010

Precis # 3 "Soda fountains could be squirting out fecal bacteria, study finds" by - Amina Khan

Amina Khan in " Soda fountains could be squirting out fecal bacteria, study finds" he reveals the shocking truth that soda fountains from restaurants contain all kinds bacterias even fecal matter. He supports his claim by using statistics and "Researchers found that 48% of the drinks were harboring "coliform" bacteria -- which means they could contain fecal matter" stated in the book "International Journal of Food Microbiology".This proves his claim that the soda fountains contain bacterias with using direct quotes from a text. He continues to use direct quotes and statistics to further support his claim. He later explains that the bacterias haven't really caused a havoc but just the thought that there is fecal matter and all kinds of other bacterias in your soda while your eating your delicious burger your going to be drinking delicious bacterias.He concludes that drinking carbonated drinks are not as healthy anyways.His purpose is to inform us that there is bacteria on the soda fountains that people get soda from, not necessarily that they are dangerous but that they are there.

Does this change your mind about drinking soda from a soda fountain and what can the restaurant managers or who ever is responsible of taking care of the costumers health do to prevent these bacterias invading the soda people drink?

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