Friday, January 8, 2010

Chunk #3 pgs.135- 210

The last section in "the Culture of Fear" by Barry Glassner , Barry continues to point out to use that journalists, politicians and the media all use false propaganda to make money and make themselves seem credible and make money from it. He begins with proving his point about the journalists and the media putting out misinformation about drug users and etc. society wasting money on this presumptions and fail to address other real social ills and there is need for reform from the people. He explains how the media uses poster girls to prove the drug crisis but the media doesn't lay out all the real facts or necessary info to be able to see the whole picture they just pick and choose the information to which is more convenient for them. The careless prescribing of medication and pressures put on the doctor to have little time with there patients so there are risks that they may be put on tranquilizers to become more independent and not see the doctors, and continue with the fear of date rape drugs. He goes on with metaphoric illnesses and talks about the fear about breast cancer, he explains how media uses breast implants as the cause of other illnesses and he explains how its illogical to actually believe them and society focuses on this metaphoric illness and don't ever facilitate the advance of medical science. He goes into proving that flying in planes is safer than riding with a precautions person who drives. Lastly he finishes his thoughts with rewording his purpose and talking about the obscurity of believing in martians and like believing in all the info that the media and many put out to society its just like believing there are martians and there should be a change.

How do the the fears that the media put out to use affect our daily life?

Do you believe that the media uses false information to misguide society from real problems in society?

1 comment:

  1. The media perception affects are everyday lives, we fear even encountering certain races,and genders.

    Of course i believe the media uses false information to add "hype" to the stories and these non- important situation.
