Friday, January 1, 2010

Chunk #2 " The Culture of Fear" pgs.70-134

Barry Glassner in " The Culture of Fear", he continues to point out the flaws in the media, journalists, reporters and political leaders by giving examples about what they claim and proving them wrong and explaining how society wastes money on those unnecessary fears. In the chapter "Youth at Risk", Glassner speaks out about that the media over exaggerates about teenage killers making it seem that all kids are killers and that fear grows. He states that adults developed a pair of theories to justify both their fear of children and their maltreatment of them and saying that kids are born defective. He attacks the stereotype about "crack babies", the media makes them seem like kids that are disabled and can't do nothing for themselves. Glssner attacks that by describing a situation where they can't even identify the "crack babies" as they call them. He explains that all these stereotypes about killer kids and crack babies all deflect the fact that society need to face up to the lack of responsbility towards the nation's children.Another fear is "Monster Mom" the believe that kids are having kids. Glassner explains how the media makes it seem that young moms are not capable of having or raising productive citizens of society and its a rising problem. They are a "social problem" to many politicians, Glassner attacks that and says that the media lies and displays false information and he proves that many teenage mom's children are exactly like children that are born from older mothers, and teenage moms do not breed future criminals. He goes in to the fear of black men and he says that the media like always is showing the black men as the criminal and not showing when black men are the victims creating this fear towards them and creating this stereotype , again an unnecessary fear that Glassner points out and goes against by giving facts. His purpose is to reveal truths and make society open their eyes to the real problems and make us come to our senses and see whats really the reality.

How does stereotypes that the media creates affect us as a society?

Clarification: How does Glassner attack the lies that the media display to us?

1 comment:

  1. I think stereotypes that the media creates affect out society by promoting negative views of diffrent races, gender, and people. This negative affect causes are society to be dehumanizing and out of character of human beings.

    Glassner attacks the lies the media portray by using statistics and facts to negate the media's false statistics and facts. He also uses logical and ethical appeals to effectivally negate the media.
