Friday, January 8, 2010

America: What works, and what doesn't -

America: What works, and what doesn't -

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Precis # 3 "Soda fountains could be squirting out fecal bacteria, study finds" by - Amina Khan

Amina Khan in " Soda fountains could be squirting out fecal bacteria, study finds" he reveals the shocking truth that soda fountains from restaurants contain all kinds bacterias even fecal matter. He supports his claim by using statistics and "Researchers found that 48% of the drinks were harboring "coliform" bacteria -- which means they could contain fecal matter" stated in the book "International Journal of Food Microbiology".This proves his claim that the soda fountains contain bacterias with using direct quotes from a text. He continues to use direct quotes and statistics to further support his claim. He later explains that the bacterias haven't really caused a havoc but just the thought that there is fecal matter and all kinds of other bacterias in your soda while your eating your delicious burger your going to be drinking delicious bacterias.He concludes that drinking carbonated drinks are not as healthy anyways.His purpose is to inform us that there is bacteria on the soda fountains that people get soda from, not necessarily that they are dangerous but that they are there.

Does this change your mind about drinking soda from a soda fountain and what can the restaurant managers or who ever is responsible of taking care of the costumers health do to prevent these bacterias invading the soda people drink?

Chunk #3 pgs.135- 210

The last section in "the Culture of Fear" by Barry Glassner , Barry continues to point out to use that journalists, politicians and the media all use false propaganda to make money and make themselves seem credible and make money from it. He begins with proving his point about the journalists and the media putting out misinformation about drug users and etc. society wasting money on this presumptions and fail to address other real social ills and there is need for reform from the people. He explains how the media uses poster girls to prove the drug crisis but the media doesn't lay out all the real facts or necessary info to be able to see the whole picture they just pick and choose the information to which is more convenient for them. The careless prescribing of medication and pressures put on the doctor to have little time with there patients so there are risks that they may be put on tranquilizers to become more independent and not see the doctors, and continue with the fear of date rape drugs. He goes on with metaphoric illnesses and talks about the fear about breast cancer, he explains how media uses breast implants as the cause of other illnesses and he explains how its illogical to actually believe them and society focuses on this metaphoric illness and don't ever facilitate the advance of medical science. He goes into proving that flying in planes is safer than riding with a precautions person who drives. Lastly he finishes his thoughts with rewording his purpose and talking about the obscurity of believing in martians and like believing in all the info that the media and many put out to society its just like believing there are martians and there should be a change.

How do the the fears that the media put out to use affect our daily life?

Do you believe that the media uses false information to misguide society from real problems in society?

Friday, January 1, 2010

precis #2 "Why It's Not Easy to Detonate a Bomb on Board " by Bryan Walsh

Bryan Walsh in "Why It's Not Easy to Detonate a Bomb on Board" talks about the different device that the terrorists are using and saying that the use of liquid primer rather than a detonator makes the bomber's task more difficult but not impossible. He starts by explaining a report that shows that the security system is working. He further explains that a bomber called Abdulmutallab uses entaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), and it is powerful even in quantities as small as a hundredth of a pound. He believes that It will not be easy to prevent similar attacks in the future without ramped-up airport security. He explains that the new devices and strategies that the terrorists are using are making it more hard to detect the bombs and devices used while going through the security system which is a really big fear for Americans. His purpose is to inform his intended audience that the security system needs to better and that they are going to rely on luck and point this out the create more fear into the people of this nation. His intended audience are Americans who fear terrorists and politicians who need to see the situation he is pointing out.

Another fear that many Americans have, do you believe that the government is doing there best to avoid another terrorist attack?,8599,1950297,00.html

Chunk #2 " The Culture of Fear" pgs.70-134

Barry Glassner in " The Culture of Fear", he continues to point out the flaws in the media, journalists, reporters and political leaders by giving examples about what they claim and proving them wrong and explaining how society wastes money on those unnecessary fears. In the chapter "Youth at Risk", Glassner speaks out about that the media over exaggerates about teenage killers making it seem that all kids are killers and that fear grows. He states that adults developed a pair of theories to justify both their fear of children and their maltreatment of them and saying that kids are born defective. He attacks the stereotype about "crack babies", the media makes them seem like kids that are disabled and can't do nothing for themselves. Glssner attacks that by describing a situation where they can't even identify the "crack babies" as they call them. He explains that all these stereotypes about killer kids and crack babies all deflect the fact that society need to face up to the lack of responsbility towards the nation's children.Another fear is "Monster Mom" the believe that kids are having kids. Glassner explains how the media makes it seem that young moms are not capable of having or raising productive citizens of society and its a rising problem. They are a "social problem" to many politicians, Glassner attacks that and says that the media lies and displays false information and he proves that many teenage mom's children are exactly like children that are born from older mothers, and teenage moms do not breed future criminals. He goes in to the fear of black men and he says that the media like always is showing the black men as the criminal and not showing when black men are the victims creating this fear towards them and creating this stereotype , again an unnecessary fear that Glassner points out and goes against by giving facts. His purpose is to reveal truths and make society open their eyes to the real problems and make us come to our senses and see whats really the reality.

How does stereotypes that the media creates affect us as a society?

Clarification: How does Glassner attack the lies that the media display to us?