Friday, December 25, 2009

Precis: Why South Koreans Are Fed Up With Their Neighbor to the North by Michael Schuman and Jiyeon Lee

In this online article "Why South Koreans Are Fed Up With Their Neighbor to the North" by Michael Schuman and Jiyeon Lee explains the hostile relationship between the communist North and Capitalist South. They explain reasons why the South is tired of being neighbors with the North, the South says that they have tried many ways to convince the isolated regime to end its controversial nuclear-weapons program and improve ties with its southern neighbor with hard-line demand to generous food and fertilizer aid. They claim that the North began threatening and insulting the South, with that attitude that the North holds, Michael Schuman and Jiyeon Lee states that its left the South Koreans helpless and intensifying the issue because the North continues to create mass destruction weapons like nuclear bomb. They reveal that the South is also afraid of what might happen if they do come together and that the South believes that they give to the North and they don't give back. They conclude that the South is content with just waiting for a sign from the North that shows they will cooperate. Their purpose is to inform its audience that the the South and North korea are having issues.

Application Question:
Do you believe that people can learn from the South and North koreans realtionship?,8599,1903333,00.html?iid=sphere-inline-sidebar


  1. I think people can learn from South and North Koreans relationship. It may even help us as Americans how we respond to certain countries and Wars that we get involved with. This article opens are eyes to things that are happening and it informs us about conflicts that rise before us.

  2. north and south korea have never had a great long withstanding relationship and their relationship is obviously quite imbalanced and is more of a competition and rivalry above all things else.what we can learn is to watch who we ally ourselves with and seriously think about what their true underlying goals may be;close proximity does not always equal close friendly ties.
