Tuesday, December 22, 2009

fredrick douglass

"The Narrative of Fredrick Douglass" by Fredrick really opened my eyes to how slaves where really treated. With the descriptive detailed wording that put images in my head. In chapter six Mrs. Auld teaches him his A,B,C's , which was an important point of his life, as well as listening to the conversation when Mr. Auld told his wife that "if you give that nigger an inch, he will take an ell". Reading and writing is very important he took what he got and grew from it. He didn't take what he learned which is only his A,B,C's, for granted and today many people take education for granted they don’t try there hardest in school and they get school for free, where Fredrick wasn't even allowed to get kind of education. There's many books out there that people can read to expand there mind. Imagine what Fredrick would say about this modern era? All the tools they need to learn are right in there face and they don't use them. I'm learning to appreciate the resources that are available to me. I wish there were more people like Fredrick Douglass, with determination. No one deserved to go through what he went through, but out of discord he found harmony which is nice to hear.

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