Friday, December 25, 2009

Chunk #1 " The Culture of Fear" pgs. 1-70

The first pages in " The Culture of Fear" by Barry Grassner reveals and identifies the truth about News reporters, journalists and describing them as "fear mongers" and explaining how they go in the weak minded head and place unnecessary , misplaced fears .The "fear Mongers" Make us buy into these scams and false reports about situations that happen and deflect us from the real problems. In the first chapter he explains how scenarios substitute for facts like the show 20/20 exaggerates "road rage". Grassner refutes that and says that how many time has someone get shot on the road, be real now. He then states that the real problem is in having gun availability. Backing up his purpose which is that the media uses situations to be used ans facts and these false unnecessary fears which is used fill our minds and make us paranoid. He explain all kinds of fears that the society holds today and explains there obscurity and explains how they are false by providing facts to gain credibility. He then talks about crime on the news and they create fear and make people buy home security systems and he states that the U.S waists more money on jails than on higher education. His purpose is to expose the "fear mongers" and there schemes to lure us in to buying unnecessary devices and swaying us from the real problems.

Application/Theme questions:

How can us as a society come down on these social ills to better ourselves and our community?

Clarification question:

How does the media and journalists make us waist money on unnecessary devices that we dont need with the false fears they stick on our heads?

Precis: Why South Koreans Are Fed Up With Their Neighbor to the North by Michael Schuman and Jiyeon Lee

In this online article "Why South Koreans Are Fed Up With Their Neighbor to the North" by Michael Schuman and Jiyeon Lee explains the hostile relationship between the communist North and Capitalist South. They explain reasons why the South is tired of being neighbors with the North, the South says that they have tried many ways to convince the isolated regime to end its controversial nuclear-weapons program and improve ties with its southern neighbor with hard-line demand to generous food and fertilizer aid. They claim that the North began threatening and insulting the South, with that attitude that the North holds, Michael Schuman and Jiyeon Lee states that its left the South Koreans helpless and intensifying the issue because the North continues to create mass destruction weapons like nuclear bomb. They reveal that the South is also afraid of what might happen if they do come together and that the South believes that they give to the North and they don't give back. They conclude that the South is content with just waiting for a sign from the North that shows they will cooperate. Their purpose is to inform its audience that the the South and North korea are having issues.

Application Question:
Do you believe that people can learn from the South and North koreans realtionship?,8599,1903333,00.html?iid=sphere-inline-sidebar

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

fredrick douglass

"The Narrative of Fredrick Douglass" by Fredrick really opened my eyes to how slaves where really treated. With the descriptive detailed wording that put images in my head. In chapter six Mrs. Auld teaches him his A,B,C's , which was an important point of his life, as well as listening to the conversation when Mr. Auld told his wife that "if you give that nigger an inch, he will take an ell". Reading and writing is very important he took what he got and grew from it. He didn't take what he learned which is only his A,B,C's, for granted and today many people take education for granted they don’t try there hardest in school and they get school for free, where Fredrick wasn't even allowed to get kind of education. There's many books out there that people can read to expand there mind. Imagine what Fredrick would say about this modern era? All the tools they need to learn are right in there face and they don't use them. I'm learning to appreciate the resources that are available to me. I wish there were more people like Fredrick Douglass, with determination. No one deserved to go through what he went through, but out of discord he found harmony which is nice to hear.